


Crux is North Park’s one-year academic program designed for all first-year students who want to grow in intercultural Christian discipleship through both classroom 和 extracurricular programming. 通过关键, 北园大学的核心价值观——基督教, 由, 以及在转型环境中的跨文化交叉, 同时满足一般教育要求.


“症结”这个词指的是任何话题的本质、核心和最重要的元素. The name Crux also comes from the Latin word for “cross” 和 speaks to the heart of the message of Jesus: namely that God is about liberation of all peoples by means of Jesus’s life, 痛苦, 死亡, 在十字架上复活. The Crux cohort is in invitation to follow Jesus in cruciformity—in laying down our own lives that others might have life.



  1. 重新想象基督教和门徒
  2. 更公平地重构关系
  3. 为了集体解放,与“他者”重新相遇


课程着重于建立对上帝国度的圣经理解, 获得在跨文化关系中茁壮成长的必要技能, 以及在芝加哥城市中对耶稣门徒的实践.


探索生命和信仰的深层形成问题需要关系、信任和时间. The Crux cohort provides an opportunity for individuals who are committed to intercultural Christian discipleship to build these deep 的关系s through its commitment to follow Jesus together. 这通过以下方式实现:

  • 在春季和秋季学期,2-3个班级作为一个队列
  • 每周属灵培育小组(3-4名学生)
  • 与校园和城市的组织建立伙伴关系
  • 大型小组会议
  • 芝加哥沉浸式体验
  • 社区生活和乐趣在一起
  • 来自神学院学生和Crux员工/导师的指导


Crux队列包括通勤者 住宅的学生. Residential 关键的学生 are assigned a roommate from Crux to live together in one of the residential dormitories. 因为做门徒需要我们的整个生命, both commuter 和 住宅的学生 process their living situation as it relates to discipleship with their Crux community. 这种跨文化的动态是由经验丰富的前Crux学生促进的, 神学院学生导师, 和Crux员工.


Discipleship is the work of restructuring 的关系s where dignity was formerly denied 和 power was formerly hoarded. 耶稣示范了一种完全不同的颠覆性力量(见腓立比书2:5-11)。. 关键的学生, 因此, 体验对种族正义的追求贯穿于他们的课程和课外活动中, 无论是在课本上, 身临其境的体验, 教堂参观, 祷告时间——耶稣的工作是彻底追求正义的工作.

除此之外, 关键的学生 all participate in a 芝加哥 Mosaic Experience: three full-day sessions where 关键的学生 examine the hi故事, 社区, 这些精神力量共同作用形成了这座城市的现代状态. It is an opportunity for students to identify intercultural 和 historical literacy 和 civic engagement as essential for Christian discipleship. 这段经历为我们的学生准备了Sankofa之旅(通过大学事工带领), 在这个项目中,学生们一起前往美国各地的历史遗迹,与真实的地方相遇, 故事, 这段历史塑造了今天许多美国人面临的更广泛的种族不公正. These experiences 和 others like them are meant to help students identify their own role in practicing racial justice both socially 和 vocationally.


Crux学生通过三个承诺共同追求形成:共同学习(课堂), 合作(志愿服务), 一起旅行(以城市为中心的体验). Life together as a community/cohort provides social 和 communal supports that many other first-years do not receive. 同时, 对Crux社区的承诺是所有选择申请队列的学生的核心, 这需要时间, 洞察力, 的关系, 建立信任. Crux is a deeply enriching experience for many students’ discipleship—one that is worth their commitments 和 participation.


Crux强调门徒训练是属灵的形成:耶稣过去是(现在仍然是)!) constantly providing experiences for his disciples to follow him outside of socially 和 traditionally acceptable spaces in order to reform 和 transform our way of life to look more like God’s original loving purposes. 正因为如此, Crux strives to approach discipleship courageously 和 yet graciously; the disciples didn’t always get it, 我们也不会. 但无论如何, we can choose to attempt to listen to Jesus’ voice beckoning us to be transformed by God’s presence in our neighbors 和 even in our enemies. 这创造了一种动态(且强大)的体验, especially as we focus together one what it means to let go of legalistically managing each other’s sins 和 instead embrace the dynamics of a community of grace.

因此,我们在一起的生活并不是孤注一掷. 这是一个辨别神圣问题的问题,“耶稣今天对我和我们说了什么??” This question helps us recognize that it’s not even the commitments that 关键的学生 make that unite us; instead, 正是我们作为耶稣的门徒共同追求他,使我们在基督里合而为一. 因此, 我们主要关注的不是教义,而是分辨耶稣的声音, 是什么帮助我们成为一个恩典的团体. 这种细心的动态常常把我们的同伴送到意想不到的人和地方, 就像耶稣在世时的门徒一样.


A wide array of students have been through Crux: we seek to be a community across any 和 all social barriers 和 divides. But we recognize that walking together in an intercultural community with a commitment to intentionally breaking down barriers is difficult work. We are seeking students who are committed to doing this compelling work with one another as Jesus leads the cohort throughout the year. Crux的学生还应该渴望与校园和城市的组织合作, 虚心向各种文化学习, 并愿意委身为耶稣门徒的生活方式. This doesn’t always look like piety or intensity; sometimes it’s just a genuine desire to love 和 be loved as you follow Jesus in community. 如果我们的愿望是真诚的,这就足够了.


在我们的第五年之后, Crux的领导层决定接受NPU公民参与中心的领导. This was largely because—in the gospels—Jesus spent far more time in the 社区 around him than at the temple. Crux does not seek to be a protective cloister for those who desire to remove themselves from the wider society; rather, 我们寻求与邻居的关系,这样伤害他们的事情就会伤害到我们, 太. 生活的混乱影响着我们所有人, 但在一起, 我们可以在基督里经历集体的解放. This proximity to the struggles we all face across diverse backgrounds 和 identities is central to the work of Jesus, 所以Crux觉得加入NPU公民参与中心的工作是合适的, which focuses on being a good neighbor to our sister 社区 throughout 芝加哥 (or even more accurately put, 很好地关注他们的邻居).


The Crux curriculum is designed to work in conjunction with meeting NPU’s general education Core Curriculum requirements, 这样学生就可以继续完成他们的学位. 针对STEM和护理专业的学生, 哪个要求更高, we give a lot of grace so that students can prioritize their academic success (which can be part of discipleship).


关键的学生 fill out the remainder of their course schedule with either additional general education requirements or prerequisites necessary for the major they hope to pursue.


Crux的学费与我们所有的全日制学生相当. We do not charge students extra to be in Crux; it is simply our hope that students receive the support they get through Crux 和 discern how to live out those lessons 和 experiences that intersect with who they truly are. We are committed to helping 关键的学生 participate fully in all formal Crux activities 和 will make necessary scholarships available if any financial burdens come into play.


进入Crux需要(1)被北园大学录取,(2) Crux应用程序的完成(3)参考资料. 在被大学录取并收到您的在线Crux申请后, Crux委员会将评估申请人的准备情况和整体适合程度. 学生们在申请北园时应该记得记下他们对Crux的兴趣.


请联系Crux项目总监Matt Butin (mwbutin@landakaoyanwang.com)回答其他问题.